RSS FeedHi, I'm AndyHu, a frontend developer. I write about JavaScript, React, Vue, Webpack, Node.js, Web, and more.
🚌 Work at Tapnow as Frontend Leader.
Publish your @YourNameEslintRecommend Rules.
Updated: at 10:28 AMLately, I must build a common Eslint module for my job project and then upgrade our code to be standardized.
How to choose a modern test framework for frontend in the 2024
Updated: at 04:52 PMI had a task in near weeks that design a frontend test framework system for my job. Then, I survey more and more test framework to research it different feature and different service. So this blog is result about this survey action.
Build blog with Obsidian x Astro-content
Updated: at 10:36 AMA better way to build blog is Obsidian x Astro-content, when you commit blog content to github then auto deploy to Cloudflare.
How to build user experience better
Published: at 09:19 PM好的用户体验就是让用户觉得自然、爽和超预期地达成目标。为了做好用户体验,需要从战略、范围、结构、框架和表现等方面思考,同时也需要优化页面的加载、异常态处理、响应时间等方面。
Checklist of frontend user experience
Published: at 03:02 PMUser experience is vary important, any frontend developer must get down to it.
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Adopted a small one Bichon Frise
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Write deploy script by zx.js
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Record a issue about node-sass
Published: at 03:03 PMnode-sass is bad.